Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning

Poor database performance can have serious consequences for business applications, and these effects can ripple throughout the entire organization.

To get the best results we should look at both the application code, SQL and the database code. Often, we don’t need many hours before we can pinpoint where the issue is, and then we can start optimising. By tuning the application and/or the database it can result in you needing less CPU, and memory which in terms of Cloud resource consumption can mean cost and electricity savings which is good for both you and the environment in the long run.

Performance Degradation:

Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning

The most immediate impact is a noticeable slowdown in the speed of operations. Applications that rely on database transactions may become unresponsive or may take an unreasonable amount of time to process requests, causing frustration among users and possibly damaging customer relations.

Database Crashes

Badly written code in an application or database can cause a database to hang, the application to stop and the business lose out significantly financially. See our case study where one of our engineers identified and fixed some code in a critical application for an oil company saving them millions of dollars.

Reduced Productivity:

Delays in data retrieval can slow down business processes, reducing overall productivity. If a company's employees have to wait for systems to respond, that lost time adds up quickly, translating to significant costs over the long term.

Business Decisions:

Databases often underpin decision-making tools. Slow databases can delay or distort the delivery of important insights, impacting decision-making timelines and possibly the quality of the decisions themselves.


Poorly optimized databases might not scale well as your business grows or as demand increases, leading to additional performance issues over time.

Data Integrity:

In extreme cases, performance issues can lead to data corruption, data loss, or other serious problems that can have severe consequences for your business.

To mitigate these consequences, you would need professional help from database specialists, and this is where Deverg comes into the picture.

Here's why partnering with Deverg database specialists can be your solution:

  • Expertise and Experience: Deverg has some of the world's best database consultants, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience. They can identify performance bottlenecks and implement optimizations, ensuring your database operates at peak efficiency.

  • Scalability Solutions: Deverg specialists can design a database infrastructure that scales smoothly as your business grows, preventing future performance problems and ensuring your applications can handle increased load.

  • Proactive Monitoring and Maintenance: Deverg doesn't just fix existing problems; they also work to prevent future ones. By monitoring your databases, they can identify potential issues before they become serious, saving you from future downtime and headaches.

  • Data Security and Integrity: Deverg's professionals can ensure that your data remains secure and consistent even during high-load situations, preserving the integrity of your data and the trust of your customers.

  • Custom Solutions: Every business is unique, and Deverg understands this. They can provide tailored solutions that perfectly match your specific needs, rather than trying to fit you into a one-size-fits-all package.

Performance impacts your company’s bottom line. Customers won’t tell you directly, “if you improve the homescreen’s landing page by 200 milliseconds, I’ll try your app again,” but subtle performance improvements will make users more likely to use your app in the future.

Amazon conducted an experiment that found that every 100 milliseconds of delay (that’s a tenth of a second) in page load time cost them 1% in sales (source). For them, that would add up to billions of dollars in lost revenue for one second of increased latency (source).  

A slow application will yield higher attrition, lower conversion, lower user satisfaction, and lower virality. Kissmetrics analyzed user behaviour and found that 40% of users will abandon a website that takes 3 seconds to load and that each incremental 1 second of delay decreases customer satisfaction by 16% and conversion by 7%.  

Search engines also measure sites’ speed and prioritize faster pages in their rankings. In other words, it also directly affects SEO.

Working with Deverg database specialists can improve the performance of your databases, and consequently, the performance of your business applications, leading to greater productivity, better decision-making, improved scalability, and enhanced data integrity.


Database Architecture